Individual or Group Oil Painting Lessons according to the dictates of Tradition.
The basic program of the lessons generally concerns the learning of the Techniques and Materials in use in Europe between 1400 and 1600: the golden period of Western Painting.
By attending the studio you will have the opportunity to learn the 7 fundamental steps of the traditional methods used by the Ancient Masters:
1. Preparation of the support, canvas/board: framing, gluing and priming
2. Compilation of the drawing (different transfer methods)
3. Creation of mediums, colors, varnishes and preparation of the palette
4. Grisaille technique
5. Basic coloring
6. Glazing technique
7. Final varnishing
Where you already know these techniques and/or have an interest in learning other methods, the path can be personalized based on different expectations and needs.
Everyone will always be free to explore their own pictorial universe, preferring however to learn the basic techniques handed down for centuries in order to create works capable of lasting over time.
Request the program and registration methods at:
or call +39 351 8689063
Course location:
Atelier Tizzano
Via Angelo Brunetti, 35
- Rome-
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